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Project Scope 

The scope

of this

for the project covers twin objectives:

  1. Demonstrate that Dataset-JSON
as an acceptable drop-in replacement for XPT.
  1. can transport information with no disruption to business​
  2. Demonstrate the viability of
  1. Dataset-JSON as the
natural successor for XPT with advanced capabilities.

NOTE that deprication of XPT and adoption of advanced Dataset-JSON is a long-term goal and outside the scope of this project.

To this end, the scope of the project can be split into four:

Industry Adoption

  • High-level enagagement with industry
  • Selling the sizzle! The ‘why’ not the ‘how’
  • Making the business case for the sceptics, not only the early-adopters

Regulatory Acceptance

  • Building confidence one small step at a time
  • Dataset-JSON as drop-in replacement for XPT
  • Testing, proof-of-concepts, pilots

Standards Development

  • Long-term vision and philosphy
  • Moving beyond limitations of XPT
  • Maintaining backward compatability

Technical Implementation

  • Education based on ‘just use the tools’
  • Hackathons, hands-on experience and documentation
  • Open-source, language-agnostic
  1. primary transport option

Sub Teams

1. Pilot Submissions Report

  • Consolidate feedback from the pilot submissions and develop report

2. Business Case

  • Establish the overall business case for using Dataset-JSON for submissions to justify the investment needed to implement the changes​

3. Technical Implementation

  • Develop and document software tools to be used in the pilot to include updates to existing products​

4. Strategy for Future Development

  • Define a roadmap for future development and changes to the CDISC Foundational Standards
Project Statement 

The SAS Transport v5 (XPT) format dates from 1989 and was first available as part of SAS version 5. Since that time, there have been many changes to the industry with respect to the process for submissions and the approaches to data curation and manipulation – but none to the format itself.

The XPT specification is controlled and publicly documented by SAS Institute, who consider it a non-proprietary format.

Dataset-JSON is an alternative, modern dataset format that addresses the limitations of XPT and is published as part of the CDISC ODM v2 standard under an open-source MIT licence.

The challenge in moving from XPT to Dataset-JSON is twofold:

  • Ensure regulatory authorities have sufficient confidence in the Dataset-JSON to be willing to accept it as an alternative to XPT.
  • For industry to be able to transition to Dataset-JSON with no impact on the submission process.

    Project Impact 

    The XPT file format is outdated and imposes limitations on submission data due to the lack of modern features – for example, XPT files are limited to US ASCII Character encoding, have restricted variable names/sizes, inefficient use of storage space, use a non-extensible tabular structure and lack any integrated metadata.

    The impact of overcoming these limitations will be seen initially by regulators; however, by far the bigger impact will be seen in the medium to longer term, where, by lifting the restrictions of XPT, and moving to Dataset-JSON, new standards will be able to take advantage of these enhanced capabilities, and drive efficiencies, consistency and re-usability across the clinical research data life cycle.

    Project LeadsEmail

    Sam Hume, CDISC 


    Malcom (

    Malcolm, Veramed

    )Lauren White (PHUSE Project Coordinator

    Jesse Anderson, FDA

    Nicola Newton, PHUSE Project Assistant

    titleCurrent Status
    Q2 2024

    • Pilot Submissions Report:

      • Consolidate feedback from the pilot submissions and develop report.

    • Business Case:

      • Establish the overall business case for using Dataset-JSON for submissions to justify the investment needed to implement the changes.  

    • Technical Implementation:

      • Develop and document software tools to be used in the pilot to include updates to existing products.  

    • Strategy for Future Development:

      • Define a roadmap for future development and changes to the CDISC Foundational Standards. 

    Objectives & Deliverables


    PHUSE Team formation 

    Engaged with collaboration partners (CDSIC, FDA etc.)

    Q2 2023

    Initial technical/ regulatory deliverables

    CSS workshop – Workstream roundtable 

    Q3 2023
    Industry deliverables (PHUSE EU Connect)Q4 2023
    Standards deliverablesQ1 2024 

    All project deliverables published 

    CSS workshops – Project findings and recommendations

    Q2 2024

    Dataset-JSON Webinar

    Please find the recording and presentations from the Webinar that took place on 1 February.

    Introduction, presented by Stuart Malcom, Veramed

    Pilot Submissions Status Update, presented by Sam Hume, CDISC
    Technical Implementation Topics, presented by Jesse Anderson, FDA
    Business Case, presented by Marguerite Kolb, Johnson & Johnson
    Strategy for Future Development, presented by Nicole Thorne, BMS

    titleCurrent Status
    Q2 2023

    New project approved. Calling for volunteers.