Data Visualisation & Open Source Technology: Pharma Focused Initiatives within the R Consortium 

Over the last year, the pharma voice within the R community has continued to grow. As such, new initiatives have been formed to address pertinent questions within the R community about the use of R within pharmaceutical and clinical environments. With the growing voice of pharma in the R community, the R Consortium has naturally become a key player in R adoption. The central mission of the R Consortium is to work with and provide support to the R Foundation and to the key organisations developing, maintaining, distributing, and using R software through the identification development and implementation of infrastructure projects. Joseph Rickert of RStudio presented this Community Forum and discussed ongoing initiatives within the R Consortium focused on the use of R in pharma. 

This Community Forum took place 7 December 2021. Although this event has now concluded, the offline discussions are still available to view here. 

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this forum are those of the authors and should not be construed to represent the opinions of PHUSE members; respective companies/organisations or Regulator’s views or policies. The content in this forum should not be interpreted as a data standard and/or information required by Regulatory Authorities.