Project Scope

The scope of this project is to evaluate and recommend approaches for SEND harmonization to better enable analysis of historical control data. SEND harmonization strategies include creation of new variables, controlled terminology, preferred terms, reference lists and/or analysis strategies (scripts) to enable cross study analysis. Developing a solution framework for variability that includes representation of stakeholders involved in the creation and use of SEND datasets will enable more efficient routine analysis of warehoused SEND data.

Project Leads


Kevin Snyder, FDA

Mark Carfagna, Eli Lilly

Alex Pearce, PHUSE Project Assistant

Q3 2023

  • Continued work on consulting with other consortia to understand the critical data needed for virtual controls defining. Workshop at the PHUSE CSS. 
  • Scoping project to focus on virtual control data. 

Recommendations for Populating Control Type (TCNTRL) with CDISC SEND Controlled Terminology

Objectives & DeliverablesTimelines
Develop plans for a new, re-scoped project that will focus exclusively on applying harmonisation of SEND data to facilitate implementation of virtual control groups in toxicology studies.Q2 2023